Tuesday, June 1, 2010

True Woman Movement

I attended the True Woman Conference in Chattanooga back at the end of March. I had actually wanted to attend the conference in Chicago in 2008, but I had a newborn, no one from church was interested in going, and it was a pretty big distance to travel. Thankfully, the True Woman Movement has maintained its momentum, and I pray that it endures, that women will allow the Word of God to shape their knowledge of who they are, what they are called to do, and more importantly whom they are to serve.

A few weeks ago I received an email asking if I would blog about each chapter of Voices of the True Woman Movement. I agreed and received my free book in the mail last week. Hopefully, I will be able to keep my word by keeping up with my responses and reactions here on my family's blog. As I go through this book, I plan to weave in my personal experience of discovering what a True Woman is.

If you knew me ten years ago, I was on my way to being a Femi-Nazist. I checked out A Vindication of Women's Rights from the school library, but graciously, the Lord must have prevented me from completing it. When I filled out the application for the Junior Miss program, I think I said my heroes/role models were Oprah Winfrey, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who lead the women's rights movement, Horace Mann, who revolutionized education, and Margaret Sanger, who started Planned Parenthood. In some ways, I was totally ignorant. I didn't realized the paganism in Oprah's New Age theology or the relation between Sanger's call for birth control and abortion. Without the work of the Lord in my life, I would still be ignorant. I would stilll be entrenched in this deceptive worldview. I would still believe that my worth depended on my ability to succeed in a career or to cause a man to lust after my body or to prove myself to be equal or better than men. While I doubt I would have rejected being a wife and mother altogether, I would never have realized the eternal significance of both. Praise the Lord! He has opened my eyes, and I pray He too will open your eyes to your great calling as a woman.


Ashley & Chuck said...

Great post, Cassie! Seriously! I anxious to read your other posts in the future! Love & miss you, friend!

tara said...

I am excited to read your blogs on the book! I am sure they will be an encouragement, Cassie :)