Wednesday, September 2, 2009

15 Month Check Up at 16 1/2 Months

Caleigh and I took Elisha to the doctor today for his 15 month check up, even though he is 16 1/2 months old. He weighed 25 pounds and 5 ounces, and he was 31 1/2 inches tall. So, he is in the 25 to 50 percentile for height, and the 50 to 75 percentile for weight. Everything else seemed normal. He walks, runs, and climbs, including the equipment in the doctor's office. He has started feeding himself with fork and spoon, which seemed early to me, and he is learning new words. He isn't learning new words at the same rate Caleigh did. She had a 200+ word vocabulary at 18 months, but I told Elisha I would still love him if he potty trained easier than she has. (I'm just joking....I love him just as he is.) He also had four shots, including his flu shot. Caleigh got hers first and didn't cry, hoping to show Elisha how to be strong and courageous. It didn't work though. He cried, but was happy when he got his green sucker, which made a total mess all over the counter while I checked out. (Side Note: Why do doctor's offices not prepare for mothers with multiple small children? They ask you to fill out paperwork while trying to keep two children from destroying anything, screaming....)

  • Words: Bite, Ball, Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Granna, Co-Co, Jo-Jo, Paw Paw, Maw Maw, Pop Pop, Jess, Thank You, Pat, Bock Bock for Chicken, Dog, Wolf, Juw (for Juice), Mouth Some of these words may only be distinguishable to me, but they have the right incantation of English.
  • He is learning to point to his body parts, but most often you ask him to touch his eye and he points at his mouth.
  • He climbs up on the kitchen table, playground equipment, kiddie table at church, etc...
  • He loves to grab the chickens.
  • He loves to wrestle with and chase Caleigh.
  • He stands at the refrigerator and begs for bites.
  • He does a little sucky sound when he wants a drink.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lake Winnie

Rain. The Big One. And the Reeds. They all almost prevented Geez-Paw from taking Caleigh and Elisha (and Mommy and Daddy) to Lake Winnipesaukee this year, but we finally made this past Saturday. We made it there right before the doors opened and stayed until 4:3o.

In that time, Caleigh got to do everything she could do at least once, including the Tilt-A-Whirl, and Elisha rode a lot as well, even though he was hesitant at first. He actually had to ride a few things before he felt comfortable. He ventured on the Spaceships with Caleigh, without Daddy, and while Caleigh tried to comfort him, he was close to tears. When he made it to all the little cars and boats and motorcycles that have been there, exactly the same, since I was their age, he decided he loved it. He loved driving, and it was adorable to see them ride together.

Expression after two rides

Maybe she was happy to ride Dumbo/Jumbo???

Eating a bracelet and giving a confused, woman-driver look

Caleigh's second favorite ride - the Frog Hopper

Showing off her monkey skills on the playground.
They loved the playgrounds as much as the rides.

Unfortunately drinking from the fountain in the water park

Attempting to tickle each other

A picture to prove that I was there...
even though I couldn't ride anything
but the train since I have a bun in the oven

Lisha conked out.
Grandma, Geez-Paw, Mommy, Daddy, and Caleigh
all were ready to do the same by the time we left.

Sitting in the windowsill