Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Haw-Haw Party, Elisha's 2nd Birthday

Elisha celebrated his second birthday last Friday, and we gave him a Horse/Cowboy party on Saturday at his Uncle Jess's house. All of his grandparents were there except Poppa and Granny. Lucas and Cylia were his special guests. Even though their parents were traveling to speak at a church about their mission work, they got to come with their grandmother, Renda. Cole, Katie, Dave, Tan, Angie, Janice, and little Maddie were also there. I made him a horse cake and sheriff badge cupcakes. I decorated with cowboy hat and boots, but Caleigh stole them from the table. Grandma bought bandanas to make goodie bags. He received a cowboy hat and several guns, tools and a toolbox, a wheelbarrow, shovel, and hoe, and clothes and shoes. He was already putting his tools to use when Uncle Jess went to putting the wheelbarrow together. He wasn't really into opening his gifts. He just wanted to "work."

Lisha riding Nellie with Cole. They look like they are doing a better job than I did. I couldn't get her to go in anything but a circle.

Caleigh and Maddie holding hands in the pasture. Caleigh said Maddie was her best friend on the way home.

Daddy helping Lisha ride on Cole-Cole's shoulders

Elisha with Horse Cake and Sheriff Badge cupcakes. He was quite bashful as we sang. He would glare up at us with an "I'm-rotten" expression.

Getting ready for bed with gun and cowboy hat

(Unfortunately, my camera's zoom is broken, so I didn't get many good pictures.)

  • says "holds-ey" when he wants to be picked up
  • prays "God help Cole-Cole" every time we pray
  • sounds like he is talking with marbles in his mouth
  • loves to climb on Josiah
  • tattles on Caleigh - "Ca-e hit me!"
  • loves to chase the chickens and sometimes tries to kick them
  • carries a hammer everywhere
  • loves to ride the motorcycle at Geez-Paw's
  • calls people on the phone and actually talks
  • loves to ride around the block in the car
  • wants to put on his work boots as soon as he wakes up
  • wants to wear his "boo" jeans everywhere
  • calls his milk "choc-choc"
  • pee-pees in the potty before bath time
  • likes to play guitar...He calls the mandolin his "tar"
  • has gotten his last two-year molars
  • sleeps 11 hours some nights
  • loves to eat everything - raisins, bbq sauce, fruit,
  • is learning colors and shapes and numbers and abc's - little progress
  • enjoys terrorizing the little girls in the nursery


Ashley & Chuck said...

Wow! The cake & cupcakes look great! Good job! Happy Birthday, Lisha!

Ryan and Lori said...

I thought the cake and cupcakes were both very cute! I think the horse tops the dog from Caleigh's 1st b-day party in Corydon ;). Happy Birthday!

Janice said...

Hi I found your blog because your little Josaiah's picture looks just like my boys at 2 years old! Perhaps they are related somewhere along the way? We live in NZ and have five Langford boys of our own. Would love to hear if you know of a family connection.
Janice Langford.
I don't update our blog anymore but it is