Friday, April 9, 2010


March was another wild month for us, but all I remember was the stomach bug and the True Woman Conference. I was surprised that my kids ended with the stomach bug a second time in three weeks. Caleigh had diarrhea first, and I simply thought she ate too many grapes. Then, Elisha started throwing up. He threw up for four days....He wouldn't stop eating. It didn't get better, so I took him to the doctor. He also broke out in awful hives that lasted for two weeks. I couldn't decide if it was the virus or an allergic reaction to the Bounce stick-on in the dryer. The doctor finally told me lots of kids had some virus that caused hives.

At then end of the month, I (and Josiah on Friday) went to the True Woman conference here in Chattanooga. No one from church was able to go with me. Thankfully, my mother-in-law and her friend went, so I got to spend some quality time with them. I enjoyed the conference, especially the Gettys who led worship. I don't know who wouldn't love singing wonderful hymns with an Irish twang that have such Christ-centerd lyrics.

I had never heard Voddie Bacham speak before, and I like what he had to say. "Don't think your circumstances are special. The Lord can do more with what you don't have than you can do with what you do have." Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Mary Kassian, Kay Arthur, James McDonald, and Jennifer Rothschild also did a nice job encouraging the women present to be biblical women.

I had already shown the True Woman manifesto to the ladies at church, but I was glad such a solid document was presented to the diversity of women there. I don't know if everyone there realized what they were promoting, but I definitely heard the message that ladies need to fulfill their roles as mothers and wives, not career women. They need to be submissive to their husbands and build up with their tongues instead of tear down. They need to support the ministry of the local church. I have been truly blessed to have already been exposed to such theology (which seemed close to reformed theology, considering the speakers present), but I'm glad they are spreading the message. I would encourage any woman to go if she was able at one of the other locations - Dallas/Fort Worth and Indianapolis.

Elisha's Hives

Caleigh and Rusty on the little motorcycle. She was probably tired after chasing them during Elisha's turn.

Elisha and Rusty on the little motorcycle. He wouldn't get close to it if he wasn't riding it, but he loved it when he was on it.

Josiah, bib only

Second attempt at sponge rollers - failed

Rusty made Elisha a board with screws and nails. He quickly went to work, and Caleigh joined him. And yes, he is holding a real hammer and a play hammer.

Smile! I love you!

Hello Kitty boots

Josiah sticking out his tongue

Geez-Paw's glasses upside down

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