Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Caleigh's First Day of School (at CC)

We have OFFICIALLY decided to homeschool, and the Lord blessed our decision and prayers by allowing us to discover the Classical Conversation program here in Cleveland. It provides two things that were very important in our choice to homeschool: the classical model and group interaction and accountability.

Caleigh's first day was yesterday. She was in Ms. Brittany's class along with six other children. They learned a song about Charlemagne, practiced skip counting by 1 and 2, learned hand motions to the first 8 cards of the history timeline, tested thermometers in a sunny and shady location, and traced a bug and tree using curvy and straight lines. She also did a great job giving her presentation on "All About Me." She told about her favorite doll, Snow White (I don't know where that came from), her favorite color, pink, and her brothers and parents.

Everything went great until lunch and playground. Three kids going in three directions is hard to deal with, especially after Elisha had been cooped up in the nursery for three hours.

Even though she only had to take a snack, she had to carry a backpack.

She looks pretty excited about her first day of school.

CC is a whole family experience. Here we are already to go. Rusty took the picture. He had stayed home to see us off on our first day.

Caleigh getting ready to watch presentations.

Caleigh giving her presentation at the end of class.

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