Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9 months and 4.25 Checkup

We went to the doctor today for Josiah's 9 month checkup and Caleigh's 4.25 checkup. We ended up leaving there with 6 total shots and a finger prick. Caleigh got 3 scheduled shots and a flu shot. Josiah got 1 scheduled shot and a flu shot, and Elisha got a flu shot. He didn't realize he was going to have to get a shot, too, but I went ahead with the flu shots, so we didn't have to go back. Josiah screamed with both shots, but quickly recovered. Only later did he seem upset with a fever of 101.6. Caleigh said she was going to be brave and not cry, but she cried, forcing me to hold her down. One spot bled badly, but she didn't cry after the poking stopped. Elisha cried and kept crying, but the offer of a sucker made it somewhat better.

Josiah weighed 22 pounds and was 29 1/4 inches long, putting him in the 75 percentile for weight and the 70 percentile for height. He has slimmed up some. Caleigh weighed 37 pounds and was 41 5/8 inches long, putting her in the 60 percentile for weight and 80 percentile for height. Caleigh also had her hearing and vision check, which were both on target. The nurse said she obeyed perfectly for the tests, and I bet that was due to the fact I didn't go with her.

Taking three children to the doctor is always an adventure. They really behaved very well, even allowing me to fill out paperwork without an onset of crying, but it is a wonder what havoc they can inflict on an empty doctor's office: books everywhere, ripped paper...Are my children the only ones who can do this?

Josiah upset that I set him down.

Caleigh and Elisha holding there big baby brother.

What a silly face and a mean face.

(As of Sept. 21, 2010)
  • helps fold and put up laundry
  • can read with some patient coaching from mom. We have completed the first 30 something lessons of Teach Your Child to Read in a 100 Easy Lessons
  • can write her alphabet with a mix of upper and lower case letters
  • likes to listen to takes, especially Pengu
  • wears the tackiest things imaginable if she dresses herself
  • has learned to hide messes under her bed
  • is great at memorizing her CC work
  • doesn't nap
  • is going to Sunday School with Ms. Stephanie and Ms. Rolydia
  • needs prayer concerning learning to sit in church
  • is learning to potty
  • loves to ride the motorcycle
  • still fixes everything with his tools
  • often repeats what you say when you ask him a question
  • any book is a Bible and he wants to preach from his papers (or notes)
  • talks on the phone more than Caleigh
  • likes to wear light-up shoes
  • can't wait to see Mr. Doc at church for candy
  • screams "Jesus" during family worship
  • is starting to love to draw
  • loves his tractor book
  • enjoys sleeping, but occasionally coaxes Daddy to let him sleep on the couch
  • likes medicine
  • crawling, chasing after me if I leave the room
  • pulling up
  • says da-da, bye-bye, and hey (probably not intentional)
  • sleeps on his belly
  • waves
  • does Indian noise on his arm
  • makes driving noise when playing cars with Elisha
  • crawls to the stairs, but wisely hasn't attempted to do down them
  • eats everything he can pick up and put in his mouth: leaves, dirt, dropped food, etc...
  • likes to eat in general
  • declared as the happiest baby people have ever seen
  • likes to bit my chin
  • has 8 teeth
  • can sleep in his stroller unlike the other 2

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