Cool Dude in Stride
She has the cat...
About as much moves as she got in dance camp
Attack of the Underwear Monsters

Awake and Static

Mom and Dad actually went on a date for Valentines, dinner and a movie. But, like last year it was only the predecessor to the stomach bug. Yuck!

We are high class with this trampoline in our front yard. The kids love it, but Josey is really not balanced enough to manage it. The big kids were smart enough to move the step ladder outside to use as a ladder, but my little climber figured it out too. DANGEROUS!

More Power Ranger moves
Caleigh before her first basketball game. She is on the Navy team.
Lish on the trampoline
Josiah going after his basketball. I've never had much trouble keeping the other two out of the road, but not him.

More climbing

Caleigh ready for Crazy Hair and Clothes' Night at AWANA

Elisha ready too...but his fohawk didn't work.
Daddy dressed them up like Batman. Didn't he do a nice job?
- completed 100 Easy Reading Lessons. It took 7 months, from August 2 to March 2. At times I wasn't sure we were going to make, but I'm so proud of her and so relieved it is over. Now she wants to read basic reader by herself. It is a delight to hear her say, "Mommy, look. That says, 'food.'"
- She went to dance camp, which was more painful than anything. The teacher was prepared to teach children her age, and while I think Caleigh can dance, she didn't necessarily cooperate with the instruction.
- She started playing basketball at the Y, and Rusty is her coach. For PeeWee league it actually looks like they're playing ball.
- She has had her first tee ball practice, and my former geometry teacher is her coach, Mr. Miles. Sarah, her cousin, is also on her team.
- She has also begun piano lessons with Ying Chang, a pianist and violinist. She seems to enjoy the lessons, but we're waiting to see if it is worth the time and money for a four-year-old. Right now she needs to learn to clap quarter notes and half notes.
- She is also a professional cat torturer. Poor KitKat can't escape. She has been locking her in her cage the past few days. I've even tried reading Caleigh the book about Duncan and Dolores to show her that cats don't want to play with people who bother them, but it hasn't sunk in yet.
- is officially potty trained. Knock on wood. He had been going peepee and poopoo in the potty pretty consistently for about a month, though I have found myself scrubbing poop off of underwear in public restrooms a few times.
- talks so much better. I think other people can actually understand him now.
- The other day when we told him he had to finish his glass of water before he could have any lemonade (which we didn't think he would do), he told us, "I can't drink because my belly will blow up like the exploding shark on Batman." Hilarious!
- is still teasing me by giving all my kisses away to Granna or whoever else may be near.
- Teases. Teases. Teases. Tonight he told Rusty to put on a vest from Caleigh's dress up clothes because he knew she would scream "No!" And, the other day I found him in the nursery at "school" putting his feet on another boy just to so the other boy would pitch a fit and get in trouble. But, what can I say. He comes by it honestly. Rusty actually has to watch himself from encouraging with Caleigh.
- has been sleeping with a stuffed Woody. Cute.
- actually watches movies with Caleigh. I never though I would see his eyes glaze over like hers do, but it has happened. Praise the Lord they only watch TV on Saturdays (mostly).
- had his 15 month check up today. He weighed 24 pounds and 10 ounces, putting him at the 5o percentile, and he was 30 1/4 inches, putting him at the 5o percentile as well.
- has become a professional climber: the ladder to the slide and the step stool to the trampoline. Yesterday I found him on the top of the dining room table, and today, there he was on top of the bathroom counter. He had gone up Elisha's potty stool, on to the commode, and on to the counter.
- started saying some more words --maybe. I heard him say "Momma," but I don't think he was referring to me. I also think he said "book" at the doctor's office.
- loves to read books, especially if you make animal sounds.
- stands at the cabinet and grunts for food.
- runs in place while shaking his arms.
- still loves his blankie.
- tackles anyone he finds in the floor. He has learned to wrestle from his dad, brother, and sister.
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