Lisha riding Nellie with Cole. They look like they are doing a better job than I did. I couldn't get her to go in anything but a circle.
Caleigh and Maddie holding hands in the pasture. Caleigh said Maddie was her best friend on the way home.

Daddy helping Lisha ride on Cole-Cole's shoulders
Elisha with Horse Cake and Sheriff Badge cupcakes. He was quite bashful as we sang. He would glare up at us with an "I'm-rotten" expression.

Getting ready for bed with gun and cowboy hat
(Unfortunately, my camera's zoom is broken, so I didn't get many good pictures.)
- says "holds-ey" when he wants to be picked up
- prays "God help Cole-Cole" every time we pray
- sounds like he is talking with marbles in his mouth
- loves to climb on Josiah
- tattles on Caleigh - "Ca-e hit me!"
- loves to chase the chickens and sometimes tries to kick them
- carries a hammer everywhere
- loves to ride the motorcycle at Geez-Paw's
- calls people on the phone and actually talks
- loves to ride around the block in the car
- wants to put on his work boots as soon as he wakes up
- wants to wear his "boo" jeans everywhere
- calls his milk "choc-choc"
- pee-pees in the potty before bath time
- likes to play guitar...He calls the mandolin his "tar"
- has gotten his last two-year molars
- sleeps 11 hours some nights
- loves to eat everything - raisins, bbq sauce, fruit,
- is learning colors and shapes and numbers and abc's - little progress
- enjoys terrorizing the little girls in the nursery