Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Elisha Barrett's Arrival

Yes, I was ready to have a baby, but when you are giving the option of when to have one, you start to feel slightly different.  Last Monday, Dr. Child's decided he would induce.  I could go in on Wednesday or Saturday.  I decided on Wednesday, April 16.  We went in at 5am.  By 6:45 I was having pretty hard contractions, so I asked for the epideral, knowing it would take a while for them to get ready.  They gave it to me at 7:45, but it didn't work, so I got to experience natural childbirth, which I wasn't prepared for.  I had told my parents to arrive by 8:30 even though the nurses had said I could expect the baby at about noon.  My parents didn't make it until 9:15.  My mom came in to see me experience a few painful contractions, accompanied by a few screams, and four pushes.  All I could say was, "Thank the Lord," when he finally arrived in this world.  He was 7 pounds 6 ounces and 21 inches long.  He arrived at 9:48.  

Since he has arrived, we have been trying to adjust to having two children.  Caleigh is adjusting well.  She wants to be little momma, involved in everything, but she doesn't understand be gentle, be careful, even though she tries so hard.  She  likes to steal wipes, pacifiers, diapers, and the bulb.  We've given her her own for her babies.  He is doing great.  After the first three nights, he has just wakes up to eat in the middle of the night, which is good because I need my rest to take care of Caleigh.  Hopefully, the Lord continues to bless us with a "good" baby.  


Ashley & Chuck said...

Yea!! I'm so happy to see him! I've been wanting to call you but I know you are super busy. I'll call soon though. I somewhat know what you felt with the natural childbirth. They had to turn my epidural off so that I could push. But I think the contractions are worst than the actual pushing. Anyways, he is beautiful. The Lord has truly blessed you and Rusty.

Love ya!

Ryan and Lori said...

What a handsome little boy! I can't wait to meet him!

kathy said...

Congrats!!!! we are so happy for you guys, can't wait to meet him and see everyone.
Love to all
The Wards

Tony & Jaimie said...

Congratulations you guys! He is perfect. Caliegh will be a great big sister. Keep the pictures coming :)