Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Christmas Backtrack - Christmas Day

Again, these are not in order.
We found Caleigh having a tea party in Meme's windowsill.  Has she ever looked like such a doll before?  I think not.

Caleigh and Granna taking a bounce on her new ball

Granna discovered Elisha's tickle spot, and he couldn't stop giggling and smiling.

We actually woke our children up for Christmas morning, and neither of them appreciated it.  We read our Big Picture Story Bible and headed downstairs.  

Elisha driving his Sesame Street car

Caleigh putting on her Dora scooties (aka skates) and knee pads

Christmas Backtrack - Christmas Eve

I realized that I forgot to mention our Christmas, Elisha's first Christmas, during our time without internet.  So here are a few moments we captured during our Christmas extravaganza - eight parties in three days.  (Sorry, the pictures are not in chronological order; I'm too lazy and IMPATIENT to reorganize them.)

Finally, Elisha got some rest.  Thankfully, Daddy has the magic touch despite all the commotion.

I got to open a zillion presents this Christmas (because I got to help Elisha open his presents).

Granna and her grandbabies - Caleigh can't really handle any of her grandparents giving Elisha attention instead of her.

Elisha's reaction to opening one of his first presents.  He didn't seem to excited about it, probably due to the lack of sleep.

Caleigh helping Grandma make pigs-n-a-blanket, apron around neck and all.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Caleigh started taking gymnastics.  She is the youngest person in the class, as well as the clumsiest, but she loves it.  Her favorite move is the cheese dog, which neither I or the teacher know, but we think it is either rolling down the cheese like a log or practicing a cartwheel.   We hope the class also teaches her about obeying other adults and waiting her turn. The past few weeks the teacher has had to tell her to sit on the line and wait her turn over and over again, but she is getting better.

Caleigh decided to try on Geez-paw's boots at Grandma's birthday party, but she didn't make it too far in them.  

Aren't they cute?  This picture captures Elisha pre-crawl.  He finally started crawling last Monday at 9.5 months+, but he just uses his skills to crawl to my feet and cry.  He's also pulling up on everything.  Tonight we left him in the toy room by himself, and when I heard him whining, I went to check on him.  He had made it up the three steps into the dining room by himself.  We were amazed.  How did he go from barely moving to making it up steps in less than a week?

Creative Discovery Museum

Here is a family picture in front of the Gingerbread House, which Caleigh loved since her current favorite pajamas have a gingerbread man on them and we've read the "The Little Gingerbread Boy" about zillion times.

Elisha decided to experiment on the electric ball thing.  The picture doesn't really show his hair standing up though.  

My two little explorers.  They both got to put on the vests and play with the digging tools at the excavation site.  And I guess Caleigh is blocking Geez-paw from the dinosaur.  We wouldn't want him to get eaten.