Thursday, December 18, 2008

Name Change?

I should have known that the name "Elisha" wouldn't go over well.   I was fooled to think that people were familiar with the biblical character, and even more fooled to think they would pronounce it the same way I do.  At the doctor's office, he is "Alicia."  They even marked "F" for female on his chart.  Family members and church members blend "Elijah" and "Elisha," which comes out something like "Elij-sha."   Rusty and I are already a little frustrated with correcting folks, and we're sure he might feel the same way when he gets older.  Now, we call him Lisha (which seems pretty girly to write), but that doesn't help.  We've considered going ahead and calling him Barrett or Rett, but it seems weird to change his name.  What do you think?  


Ashley & Chuck said...

I had a friend growing up whose name was Lindsay Erin and everyone called her Erin. In the 2nd grade (or so) she decided she wanted to be called Lindsay instead of Erin. The switch was easy for us but her family called her Lindsay Erin. I'm just saying I know of someone who had a name change.

Another option would be to shorten it to Eli.

Whatever you decide to do will be fine. People will learn his name in time.

Ashley & Chuck said...

I let my friend, Ryan, read your post. He says you can't help the fact that people are idiots and that you should just stick it out with the current name.


Ryan and Lori said...

Ryan votes for Eli. I like Eli too, or just sticking it out with correcting people.

The Dickeys said...

Hi, this is Ashley Flurry's sister (I met you at Chuck's graduation) anyway... I have a son named Eli. The first time I took him to the pediatrician the nurse called for "Ellie". I remember it happening one other time where someone read it as Ellie. I guess you don't have to guess what my vote will be ... Eli! But I also like Ret. If it makes you feel any better my youngest, Seth, gets called Sef some.