Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Caleigh's First Haircut

We finally let my mom cut Caleigh's bangs since she was beginning to look a little raggedy.  We gave her a sucker, and my mom took a few snips.  When we looked at the amount of hair she took off, it looked like nothing, but I thought it made Caleigh look really different.  It didn't really hit me that she had had a haircut until the next day.  Without the shabby bangs, her little round face and especially round cheeks were accentuated more than usual, and I must admit she looked more like Grandma than ever.  Now, it is growing out a bit, and I'm getting more used to it.


Ryan and Lori said...

Did her hair get stuck on the sucker? I hope ya'll are doing well!

Ashley & Chuck said...

Aww...such a big girl! We miss y'all so much and wish we could see that sweet girl! I'm glad Rusty got his dirt cake for his birthday! I know it is his favorite. You need a pic of Caleigh & Mary Jane together to compare them!

Love ya!


Tony & Jaimie said...

Hey hey Cassie! I'm so excited to see you guy's blog! I just love the pictures, so keep 'em coming. What a big girl...getting a hair cut :) I'm with a comparison pic!